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Snoopy (@ b01lers CTF 2024)

This was a crypto chal written in python where you had to leverage side-channel info. The underlying math puzzle was very similar to the subset-sum problem (e.g., knapsack crypto), so it was constructed to be breakable using lattice techniques (LLL). For flavor, the code was infused with some computer and microelectronics related mumbo-jumbo terminology.

Here is the solver code from the public bctf2024 repo.

Setup and overview

There was a \(65 \times 65\) rectangular grid (“die”), the points along the four sides formed a 32-byte prepared state (256 “pins” that were either zero or a “high” value of 3.3). An algorithm was then applied that propagated the state to the inside \(63\times 63 = 3969\) points. You had no access to the edge points but, rather, had to reconstruct those 32 bytes from knowledge of the values along a rectangle inside the board. There was some freedom in where you put the rectangle but it could not be too large, could not be too narrow, and could not be too close to the edges of the board.

The state had some fixed bytes (initialized on “boot”), a predictable counter byte, 16 bytes that came from AES encryption of the flag (withbctf{and}stripped off), and 6 bytes of the originally 8 random bytes that were used to generate the key (these were concatenated four times for a 256-bit key). So practically 22 bytes (176 bits) of the state were random, which you needed to infer somehow. The algorithm did not propagate inside the values at the 4 corners of the board at all (lowest bit of bytes 0, 8, 16, and 24), so after reconstructing the remaining 172 bits on the edge, you needed to bruteforce \(\mathbf{2^{4 + 16} = 2^{20}}\) possibilities for the corner values and the missing key bytes.

GRID:    top left corner is (0,0), bottom right corner is (64,64)
         -> so rows span 0-64, columns span 0-64

STATE:   32 bytes along edges (rows 0 & 64, columns 0 & 64)

Byte arrangement:  each byte = 8 pins, pin index increases clockwise

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    - - - - - - - -
 31|               | 8    AES ctxt:  all (16) even bytes
 30|               | 9
 29|               |10    AES key:   bytes 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29
 28|  This is      |11               (also bytes 31 & 0, but get overwritten)
 27|  the "die"    |12
 26|               |13    counter:   byte 31
 25|               |14
 24|               |15    fixed:     all other bytes
    - - - - - - - -
    2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
    3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6

For each encryption you got a new random key, thus a new state, which was then used to set the inside points again - so there was no value in requesting multiple encryptions during one session, nor in collecting multiple encryptions over several sessions. For fun, I coded some logic that ended the session after 256 encryptions.

Propagation algorithm

The algorithm first randomized the \(63\times 63\) inside points, and then repeatedly replaced that inside square with a new one in which each point had the average of the preceding values of its four nearest neighbors. (Notice that for edges of this inside square, i.e., rows 1 & 63 and columns 1 & 63 of the full “die”, these neighbors include the “pins” on the perimeter of the full die). Replacement went on until the maximum per-site change along the square was less than \(\epsilon = 10^{-14}\), or until 200,000 iterations were reached in which case the chal bailed out with an error.

Some teams have probably recognized that this is how one might solve the Laplace equation in electrostatics on a 2D grid - the input “pins” are voltages along the edge of the grid and the values inside are the electric potential at each site. Some nice-to-have but otherwise inessential background knowledge… The only thing that really mattered was that only nearest neighbors were involved.

There was a small refinement (turboparameter) - in each sweep we altered values by 1% less than what the new average would have dictated. This was a genuine speedup that reduced iteration count by about a third. Normally you would accelerate convergence by amplifying changes (called successive over-relaxation), i.e., useturbo < 0, however, the particular algorithm here is known to become unstable in that case (the variant that simply overwrites the original grid values as it goes would work fine that way but I thought it would be harder to reason about).

Attack strategy

The key observations are that

In other words, we just converge to the solution of an equation \(A x = B c\), where \(x\) is a 3969-component vector representing the inside values, \(c\) is a 256-component vector of the outside points, \(A\) is some fixed \(3969 \times 3969\) matrix, and \(B\) is another fixed \(3969\times 256\) matrix. The solution can be constructed by solving

\[A x^k = B v^k \qquad(k=0, \dots, 255) \ ,\]

where \(v^{k}\) is a vector of all zeroes except for a single value of 1 at component \(k\), and then combining those results according to the bits (0s and 1s) in \(c\):

\[c = \sum_k c_k v^k \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad x = \sum_k c_k x^k \ .\]

Here, \(x^{k}\) is the response to a “high” pin at \(k\) (the analogous entity would be the Green’s function in physics), which we can compute by simply running the algorithm with input \(c = v^{k}\).

Of course, one did not get all the inside points \(x\) but only a subset (projection) \(\tilde x\) consisting of some \(K \le 80\) points on the chosen rectangular “snoop” loop. Nevertheless, that subset satisfies an analogous relation

\[\tilde x = \sum_k c_k {\tilde x}^k \ .\]

So in the end, this just boils down to \(K\) simultaneous subset sum problems - one problem for each component of \(\tilde x\), where each problem is solved by the same \(c\). We could call this the “functional subset sum problem” - you are given a bunch of template functions plus a function that is some linear combination of those with coefficients strictly drawn from \(\{0,1\}\), and your job is to figure out the coefficients used. Equivalently, you need to find the closest function to your input that you can produce with coefficients from \(\{0,1\}\).

Snoop loop placement

Alright, and where to place the loop that gave side-channel info?

First, realize that knowing values along the outline of a rectangle is equivalent to knowing all values inside as well because you can get those by solving the linear system (remember, only nearest neighbors are involved). In other words, inside points carry no additional information, only the perimeter of the rectangle matters. So you want a rectangle as large as possible to get maximal info (e.g., any rectangle gives more information than another one that is fully inside it). The maximum allowed circumference was 80 points. Purposefully fewer than the 176 unknown bits of the input state but that is fine - the 80 points have values from a continuous range, i.e., each one can hold several bits of information.

What about position and shape? Well, there was a certain symmetry to problem - the 16-byte AES-encrypted block was scattered quite evenly along all four sides of the grid, which naturally suggests a square loop centered at the middle. At maximum circumference, this means upper left corner (22, 22), lower right corner (42, 42). If you plot the response functions, you can see that they generally drop with distance away from the “high” pin. So, to be equally sensitive to all input bits, you need a loop with points that are about same distance away from each pin. That said, the AES keys were mostly on the left side of the grid, so I felt that there might be some room for a modest positioning bias/optimization. Which is why I ultimately left the choice up to you.

Actually, the shape of the rectangle is pretty unimportant. As discussed above, knowing values on a rectangle implies knowing all the points inside too. Fine. It is also trivial to infer outside values in triangular regions sitting on the sides (you go layer by layer outwards, always filling in the value for the only unknown neighbor of sites):

   +X******X+         X:  snoop loop  (7x8 => 26 points)
 +++X******X+++       *:  inside points (5x6 => 30 points)
   +X******X+         +:  outside triangles

Inferring outside triangles:

    XXXXXXXX     <-- consider points in this row (except leftmost and rightmost ones)
     ??????      <-- these are the only unknown neighbors, one for each site

These outside points give no new information either, of course. I did not want people to try getting to the original inputs in such a direct way, however, so there was a requirement to have a minimum gap of 10 points between the edges of the grid and the snoop rectangle. More importantly, thinking about the problem this way tells you that snoop loops that have the same set of inferable points (circumference + inside + outside) provide identical information. So instead of the 7x8 loop in the figure below, one could have chosen, equivalently, a 3x12, 5x10, 9x6, 11x4 or 13x2 loop. These loops all have the same circumference.

Breaking the subset sums

Upon boot, the 32-byte initial state isb"SSnnOOooPPyy@@BBCCttff22002244#\x00". After encryption, the state becomes b".S.n.O.o.P.y.@.B.C.............?", where “.” denotes unknown bytes, while “?” stands for a counter byte that holds the number of calls made to the key generation function (e.g., for the first flag encryption after boot, it is b”\x01”, assuming you never picked the key generation option in the menu). Suppose the response to the 10 known bytes, i.e., 80 known bits of the state after encryption is \(x_0\), and we subtract this off by taking \(\Delta x = x - x_0\). We then have \(N = 176 - 4 = 172\) unknown input bits to find via breaking the joint subset sum problem for \(\Delta \tilde x\) (as discussed earlier, the response to state bits 0, 64, 128, and 192, corresponding to the four corners is zero, so these bits do not contribute to the sum and will have to be bruteforced).

Starting point: low-density subset sum solver via the LLL algorithm, see Chapter 3.10.2 of Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Menezes, Oorschot, & Vanstone. I prefer multiplying their lattice by 2 so that all values are integers.

For simplicity of notation, remap indices and label pins corresponding to the unknown bits to \(k = 1,\) \(\dots,\) \(N.\) Responses to these along the side-channel loop are given by \(\tilde x^k\). For a loop of \(K\) points, each \(\tilde x^k\) has \(K\) components and we have \(K\) simultaneous subset sum problems, so we consider an \((N + K)\)-dimensional lattice with the \((N + 1)\) lattice vectors below:

\[M = \left( \matrix{ 2 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & (\tilde x^1)_1 & (\tilde x^1)_2 & \dots & (\tilde x^1)_K \cr 0 & 2 & 0 & \dots & 0 & (\tilde x^2)_1 & (\tilde x^2)_2 & \dots & (\tilde x^2)_K \cr 0 & 0 & 2 & \dots & 0 & (\tilde x^3)_1 & (\tilde x^3)_2 & \dots & (\tilde x^3)_K \cr \cdots \cr 0 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 2 & (\tilde x^N)_1 & (\tilde x^N)_2 & \dots & (\tilde x^N)_K \cr 1 & 1 & 1 & \dots & 1 & \Delta \tilde x_1 & \Delta \tilde x_2 & \dots & \Delta \tilde x_K \cr } \right)\]

The left \(N\) columns track coefficients, while the right \(K\) columns track the sums. The linear combination that perfectly solves our problem would have its first \(N\) components equal to \(\pm 1\), while the last \(K\) components equal to zero. This vector has an \(L_2\) norm of \(\sqrt{N}\), which may not be shortest, and may not even be among the vectors returned by LLL. Yet, just like in the low-density subset sum solver, if one scales the left or right sides of \(M\) just right relative to each other, LLL returns the solution with high probability, often even outside the regime where the method is rigorously proven to work (and when LLL fails, you might still get lucky if you reconnect to generate a new problem).

In our case, proper scaling is not that trivial because for the correct solution the sums will not be exactly zero:

So we need to balance how much accuracy we demand on the sums vs how small we want coefficients to be. Scaling the coefficient part of \(M\) up by integer factor \(S_1 > 1\) emphasizes smallness of the coefficients, while scaling the sum half of the matrix by \(S_2 > 1\) prioritizes smallness of the sums. In the end what works (for \(Q = 10^9\)) is setting \(S_1 \approx 100\), \(S_2 = 1\), so we LLL-reduce the system

\[M' = \left( \matrix{ 2S_1 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & (\tilde y^1)_1 & (\tilde y^1)_2 & \dots & (\tilde y^1)_K \cr 0 & 2S_1 & 0 & \dots & 0 & (\tilde y^2)_1 & (\tilde y^2)_2 & \dots & (\tilde y^2)_K \cr 0 & 0 & 2S_1 & \dots & 0 & (\tilde y^3)_1 & (\tilde y^3)_2 & \dots & (\tilde y^3)_K \cr \cdots \cr 0 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 2S_1 & (\tilde y^N)_1 & (\tilde y^N)_2 & \dots & (\tilde y^N)_K \cr S_1 & S_1 & S_1 & \dots & S_1 & \Delta \tilde y_1 & \Delta \tilde y_2 & \dots & \Delta \tilde y_K \cr } \right)\]

where \(\left\{ \tilde y^k\right\}\) are scaled and quantized response vectors, while \(\Delta \tilde y\) is the scaled and quantized measurement vector along the side-channel loop (with \(\tilde x_0\) subtracted before scaling). If in the reduced basis we have a vector with its first \(N\) components all \(\pm 1\), then we found the solution. Either \(+1\) stands for a 1 bit, and \(-1\) for a 0 bit, everywhere, or vice versa.

Final bruteforce

The 172 bits extracted via LLL give us the AES encrypted flag, apart from 4 missing bits, and 6 of the 8 random bytes used for the AES key. Encryption mode was ECB, so we know that there are exactly 16 bytes inside the flag (and there is no padding), or else the AES encryption routine would have complained. This is too long for attacks on the flag itself, so just generate all 16 possible ciphertexts, decrypt those with all the 65536 possible key completions, and check whether the result is printable (has ASCII values 0x20 - 0x7f). The calculation takes roughly a minute in python.

There is a modest probability for getting a viable candidate by pure chance, about

\[P = 1 - [1 - (96 / 256)^{16}]^{2^{20}} \approx 15\%\]

if we assume each decrypted byte is uniformly random and independent. When that happens, one can just apply common sense to select the right flag or redo the challenge to see which flag candidate is stable.

Some design considerations

The idea of doing subset sum with vectors came fairly early but it took some tweaking to get it to work. Originally the plan was to just put the 16-byte ctxt block plus a 16-byte key on the perimeter (total 256 bits), however, LLL always missed the correct solution. It was the usual culprit - “fake” short vectors in the lattice that did not use the target vector (last row of the input lattice) at all. Specifically, the worst was that responses to a high input at opposite sides right near a corner of the grid (e.g., at (0,1) vs (1,0)) are almost identical, so LLL can just happily take their difference to construct rather small vectors.

I almost settled on having only 128 unknown bits away from corners, which would have been a problem with a few rounds of “here is the key, snoop the ctxt for some random ptxt, and give me the ptxt” but that felt less ballsy than giving people direct encryptions of the actual flag. A variant of that idea was to spread the 16-byte ctxt along all four edges of the grid in a way that near each corner we only use bits on one side of the corner - a simple way to do this was having “memory” locations increment by the equivalent of 2 bytes at a time (the in-chal story for this was “historical limitations” just like, e.g., for a QWERTY keyboard). Eventually I realized, however, that LLL does work fine even when I put unknown bits along both sides near - up to two - corners. Which then led to the final arrangement in the problem.

The \(O(10^6)\) bruteforce was a standard play-it-safe ingredient - you normally want a solve to take at least a minute to prevent people from constantly rerolling for a luckier problem. The key only had 64 bits of entropy, a super-determined team could make a million connections during a two-day competition, and who knows what computing resources people might have at their disposal.. :)
